My Wildlife 2

Black Ants

From dear Francolin to the Guinea Fowl…

Have fun!

“Don’t call me Porky… or Pine… I am neither! I know Beb de Bok spreads these false names, but my name is Herbert. Bep is just a big fat you-know-what.”

“May I introduce you to my family? My wife, whose name is none of your business, and my son, spiky. On our way to our favourite bush, with the most juicy roots… for some dinner.”

“I honestly thought that I could spent some time with you, talking about all the amazing facts around my kind of rodent… but the moment that that tall human overheard me bragging about our ability to run backwards as fast as forwards, he cancelled my slot.”

“Now he wants to showcase a Dutch designed and build automobile, called DAF, that copied MY ability of running backwards as fast as forwards… CAN YOU BELIEVE THE RUDENESS? Anyway… I am so above that.”

“The DAF used the principles of a continued variable transmission and had their cars fitted with a Variomatic, giving the driver the opportunity to break speed records while driving backwards…”

“And for ‘entertainment’ those Dutch even competed in driving backwards, while trying not to get killed!…. weird people those Dutch…”

 “Have a look… with subtitles… where available….”

“I am a Leguaan, also called water monitor. I prefer Leguaan, so you can call me Legu. Thanks for understanding… Better than water monitor, implying that I spent my time monitoring water… Nonsense!”

“I had my picture taken back in 2011 by the son of the tall guy, who so peacefully disturbed my peace.”

“Anyways, I have my humongous burrows on the river bank, just before the bend, and I live there in solitary waiting for a the right time to get a colourful partner.”

“My offspring also lives in the same river and one of them you can see enjoying some dry feet, after days of rain.” 

“Yeah, I know… he gives us Leguaans the monitoring association…”

“I have worms in my intestines during all the months containing the letter R. Sounds familiar that letter… but for what? And I am afraid for my own shade…””

“Anyways, my family and I visit this place almost daily to wake everybody up, after which we take the ferry to the other side and make our voices heard over there.” 

“But they are late… as usual…”

“I don’t think that ferry is coming…”

“Let’s toi-toi around that big house, shall we?”

“Let me check… one more time guys!”

“What… where… how did you guys find me? NO… TOO MUCH… WAY TOO MUCH.. LET ME BE!”

“I am not her! She comes from Benoni… I COME FROM AN EGG…! For Francois’ sake…”

“YES, Francois Levaillant, the French piece of camambert who named my kind. Yes, yes, I did know him personally, a real CONNARD!”


“J’en ai ras le bol, SACREBLUE…”

“Yeah, that is wat they say. I seem to be a rarity within these regions. But ever since early 2023 I visit this part of land, searching for something to eat. That tall guy posted that occasion here… that guy thought I was a leopard… REALLY!”

“By the way… have you seen any Francolins lately? If you do, please tell them I have something for them… …Rrrrrrr…”

“Enjoy my rare sightings…”

“Hi all, I am Musk. No, no… no relationship with Allan. Different breed.”

“I am a Muskuljaat kat, or a genet. I live in solitary and have included this area within my territory.” 

“Twice a year I see a woman to create some offspring but she is really annoying and playing all the time. She distracts me from what I am good at… HUNTING!”

“I am not as big or as fierce as Cervi, but do kill to KILL!”

“O shut up Musk! stop bragging… AND LEAVE MY FOOD ALONE!”

“Pfff, whatever… your knees are not even that thick…”


Really… they do it


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